Camp T in times of need
It’s been a preparatory and cleansing new moon week of decluttering my home, my mind, my spirit in this realm. All the while I listened to this episode of Radio Free Alcatraz, where my dad is sharing the stories of Cheyenne Autumn by Author Mari Sandoz (In the autumn of 1878 a band of Cheyenne Indians set out from Indian Territory, where they had been sent by the U.S. government, to return to their homeland in Yellowstone country. Mari Sandoz tells the saga of their heartbreaking fifteen-hundred-mile flight.) He excerpts from a chapter and shares Leader Little Wolf’s and Dull Knife’s journeys to save and protect their people during this horrific time. listen here: January 26, 1970 episode
I have listened to this over and over now, maybe 10 times and it’s only 15:25, maybe one chapter read, and moves my own spirit in these times to be stronger for my People, my community, my family, and my own spirit. It is here that I realized I must leave this dangerous “camp” aka/Colonizer Portal aka/social media IG, and take myself, my Ancestors,and People away and set up a safer camp where I can be in my own power and clarity. This enables me to uplift others on our collective paths to join and merge as the medicine to make us stronger in these times. Please listen to the Radio Free Alcatraz edition on January 26, 1970 to hear yourself and order the book here if you would like to read and remember the ways of our Ancestors.
In these times this can guide us out of this familiar genocidal despair and anguish we may be feeling right now. I am thinking of starting a special book club/gathering where we read to remember, learn, share and then of course, we make beads to power our spirit up. Please let me know if this would be of interest to you as well.
I left FB shortly after my dad passed to the stars. My only social media account is IG now and I have made and deepened friendships and connections over those years since that fulfill and enlighten me on my path. I pray to go back to older ways of communicating, trusting, and more importantly, protecting and providing for all of us who are continually under attack by the bad man government and tech oligarchs. We must remove the filters that they have conditioned us to view life, land, and one another through, all the while manipulating, spying, controlling, and misleading us as future Ancestors. I used to teach media literacy years ago, maybe a decade ago now, and I can say with real fear, we are in some serious and very dangerous times.
Social media is a genocide on our collective spirits, globally. We cannot take selfies while protecting our People. We must reorganize and rebuild our camps. We must leave the bad man camps now and trust this process as a clear, coherent, and effective action as a warrior in these times. I think about how over 500+ years ago the colonizer tricked us with shiny european glass beads to take our lands. Now, the oligarchy colonizer is doing it with shiny social media to eat our spirits. We don’t have to let them. We can resist, reorganize, and rebuild our communications pathways and in that will spark a creative and powerful force that can overcome these times.
I appreciate and thank you for showing up and supporting me with good energy in all my endeavors to be in a good and strong way to show up for you and all our people.
stay safe, stay sane and give what does not serve you to the Creator. May we keep our tobacco on the ground and our hearts toward the sky.
Pidamayaye, Kuira-bá, Gracias, Thank you!