Tohono O’odham Kuinta 2018
Follow the O’odham in Sonora Tribe’s O’odham Kuinta 2018 (Census)
as the first historical census created by the tribal leaders in a collaborative
effort to count their people on the Sonora, Mexico side of their land divided
by the US/Mexico Border. The Tohono Nation in Arizona is the 2nd largest
O’odham largest Reservation in the USA; both the O’odham in Mexico and the
Tohono O’odham Nation in Arizona are both disputing the US and Mexican
official censuses - respectively. There is not now nor has there ever been an
accurate census of O’odham in Sonora, México.
Photographer Tara Trudell documents this crucial census taking as it begins its
four-month census taking in the tribal communities on the southern side of the
border. The O’odham people’s existence is in continued jeopardy due to the
border that separates them from each other and their traditional, cultural
ways. The photographs capture the essence of a people as they come together
to be counted in small pueblos across the Mexican desert and the
determination of a Nation to not be forgotten.